Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monisha Sarabhai

Monisha Sarabhai 

Monisha Sarabhai, comes from a middle class family, fell in love with Sahil Sarabhai after which they got married. Her real name is Manisha but her mother in law finds it middle class that’s why she renamed her as Monisha. Her favorite hobby is Bargaining, She can do bargaining for hours even for 2 rupees. She is not fond of household work and always messy. She is famous for offering Stale food due to which everyone finds it risky to eat her food.

Rosesh Sarabhai

Rosesh Sarabhai

Rosesh Sarabhai, a funny character referred as Safed Bhoot, is completely a momma’s boy that’s why his father doesn’t like him. He loves to write poems which everyone hates to listen. He is a theatre artist and often seen learning his play’s stupid and non meaningful dialogues.

Sahil Sarabhai

Sahil Sarabhai

Sahil Sarabhai, the elder son and a cosmetologist, by profession, is smart and the most adjusting family member as he is adjusting with the lady who is neither fond of  a cleaner house nor of cooking but he loves her apart from her imperfections. He sings well. He can’t hurt anyone on which the first episode of the show is based.

Indravadhan Sarabhai

Indravadhan Sarabhai

Indravadhan Sarabhai, head of the family (by name only), is fat and funny. He cracks jokes, does mischief and is not meant to be taken seriously. He hates his younger son, Rosesh, as he is momma’s boy. He likes to empty a glass of water or milk on Rosesh’s head. Doctor asked him to drink milk as he has Calcium deficiency which he always refuses. His wife, Maya always behind him to drink him milk which creates hilarious scenes. He is a PRANKSTER.

Maya Sarabhai

Maya Sarabhai

Maya Sarabhai, a character played by Naseerudin’s Shah Wife, the sophistication idol is famous for her dressing sense especially for her cotton saris. She herself has designed her house which reflects her personality, of course. She hates middle class habits which she never forget to remind others. Her favorite hobby is to make and telling everyone a list of her daughter in law’s middle class habits, but never ever takes fight with her and remains sugar coated.



This is probably the best comedy show ever on Indian Television. The show is a 2005 sitcom, but the adorable family is still fresh in the mind of Indian people. The characters are so real that each one of us can easily relate to. The show is based mainly on five members, Maya Sarabhai, her husband, Indravadhan Sarabhai, their two sons, Sahil and Rosesh, Sahil’s wife, Monisha Sarabhai. Others are Sonya, their daughter, her husband, Dushyant, Ilaben (Indravadha’s sister) and her husband, Madhusudan.